The newest thing is we are getting ready to move back to the states. We will be getting back this summer sometime to an undisclosed destination. Well we know where it is but we are not saying yet where. It leaves a little mystery don't you think. Also the military is famous for changing plans at the last minute.
The kids are all doing well. Pictures of that later.
Most exciting thing to happen lately is my friend Diane had a giveaway on her blog and I won. I am not posting on my blog but I still read others.
So check out what I won from Germany then subscribe to the Isla fam bam blog and when she has another give away, pray you win.
Smurf Soup... Yummy? I guess we will see.
Nutella to go. They freaked out when they saw this.
One egg didn't make it.
So she decided not to wait for the others to get home from school.
Well that is the excitement today. Now I am off to make dinner and get three kids ready for soccer. The other is at track. Whew. Busy times.