The Buc's sent their cheerleaders and two players. We hustled down to the P.X. to see them. How awesome is this!
Michael Clayton was cool, he went to LSU so we threw in our we came here from Louisiana. Worked like a charm. HA no he was a nice man.
This was the first picture. How happy does my husband look? He got decked out in some Bucs gear for the occasion.
Will Allen was super friendly, he was picking E up. Threw him in the air. It was hilarious. Later he called him over again for more pictures. He may be my new favorite player. He is definitely E's favorite. Check out the girls, they were so nice.
Before they left everyone got a group shot. They were all very cool.
It was my husbands birthday, don't you love how they came in just for that. So nice.
Just one more reason we love the BUCS.
I still say it is great they never play the Cardinals. What would I do then?