Our AC units. We have these in every room.
My phone. A few of the buttons are only in Japanese. SO you just kinda play around with them till you figure it out.
This is if you have it set on Japanese. Yikes. I want to say thanks to the Azua's for the free phones. You guys ROCK!
Nothing to odd about this pictures except my trim is orange. Ok more like an apricot. But really who has that as a trim color. It is painted in a very nice latex. gonna go GREAT with the colors of my stuff that is coming. haha
Notice the apricot trim, it is lovely and it is everywhere.
Why not add a third child, the more the merrier. This tub is awesome.
This is not a great picture but just to show you my floor to ceiling tile in the bathrooms. But look closely there is the apricot trim...
Stainless steel. Ok probably not that but metal, counters. we also had these in Korea so I wasn't to surprised. different though. Don't cha think?
Our screen door is on the inside. Think about it. Now go look at your screen door. See that is a bit odd. I guess it is all about the typhoons. Don't want your screen door flying down the road.
That is the end of my show and tell. Even though there are odd things about this house it is home. I have to say I think I am going to paint though. I mean seriously orange... just not cool.
Also today met a chick named Heather that I have been talking to online. We got here a month before her. It was great to finally meet her. Her mom commented on my blog, so I would like to say "HELLO Becky", thanks for the comment feel free to say hi ANYTIME!